Frequent questions
Can I order a painting different from the one in the online store? Yes, if you want something in particular, contact me to discuss it.
Can I order the painting already framed? Yes, in that case, get in touch to see the type of frame and request a quote. Please note that the extra cost must be paid by bank transfer before framing and that this may mean a longer delivery time.
Do I have a discount if I pay by bank transfer? Yes, with bank transfer there is a 10% discount.
Are there installments on card payments? No, but when making the payment through Mercado Pago, you can take advantage of the installments granted by the different cards of the different Banks.
After making the purchase, do you send it directly to me or do you contact me first? Yes, in addition to receiving an email after making the purchase, I will be in touch to finalize details.
Can I collect my purchase in person or send a courier service? Yes, by choosing the “Pick up via Showroom” option, you can pick it up there or send a courier service. Previously, we will have to combine so that you can do it.
If I pick it up in person, can I pay when I pick it up? No, you need to have made the purchase previously.
How long does it take to deliver the products? Within the country, about five business days. If it is too much for you, contact me before making the purchase and we will see if we can shorten the period.